Tips For Staying healthy As You Return To The Workplace

3 Tips for Staying Healthy as you Return to the Workplace

As we settle into a new normal and begin visiting the office more frequently, keep these tips in mind to make sure you keep yourself and those around you safe.

·       Keep your distance: Avoid gathering in the lunchroom and consider eating at your desk, utilize virtual meetings as often as possible and avoid crowded elevators by waiting for a less crowded elevator or taking the stairs. When not in your office or cubicle, make sure you are wearing a face mask to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19.

·       Know the frequently touched office surfaces where germs may be hiding: Limiting contact with surfaces commonly touched can help keep you safe. Common surfaces include door handles, elevator buttons, coffee stations, water coolers, kitchen items, counters and tables in the break room, and printers. After touching these surfaces, consider washing your hands or using alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

   ·       Be upfront with your questions and concerns: Concerns over returning to work can affect your motivation, productivity and overall mental health. Consider asking your manager questions that may worry you such as what the procedures are for identifying and isolating someone who comes to work sick. If you are a manager, make sure you are being proactive about having open conversations with your employees about their concerns.  


  1. Many rules but very important to follow for everybody's health and it should be no matter what.

  2. Always look-up to your health especially when you always go to work because "health is wealth".

  3. Thank you for this useful information. Stay safe rin po Mam Spayra Laagan

  4. Thanks for the good informative..keep safe also too madam muahhh

  5. As the old saying goes, never gets though, "health is wealth."

    1. never gets old though, health is wealth - AKO PURDOY

  6. This is interesting and informtive message, it help a lots specially at this time.


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