How Does Cancer Develop and Its Detection (Cancer Awareness Month)

 There are factors that influence cancer development

1. Environment Factors

a. Chemical carcinogen are industrial chemicals, medications and tobacco.

b. Physical carcinogen include ionizing radiation (diagnostic & therapeutic x-rays) and ultraviolet radiation (sun, tanning beds, and germicidal lights), chronic irritation, and tissue trauma. 

c.  Viral carcinogens capable of causing cancer are known as oncoviruses such as Epstein-Barr virus, Hepatitis B virus, and human papillomavirus.

d. Helicobacter pylori infection is associated with an increased risk of gastric cancer.  

2. Obesity and dietary factors including preservatives, contaminants, additives, alcohol and nitrates.

3. Genetic predisposition 

4. Advancing age is a significant risk factor.

5. Immune function such as those with AIDS and organ transplant recipients who are taking immunosuppressive medications. 


Avoidance of known or potential carcinogens and avoidance or modification of the factors associated with the development of cancer cells. 


Early Detection 

  1.  Mammography 
  2.  Papanicolaou (Pap) test
  3.  Rectal exams and stool for occult blood
  4.  Sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy
  5.  Breast self-exam (BSE) and clinical breast examination
  6. Testicular self-examination
  7. Skin inspection

Diagnostic tests

Biopsy- is the definitive means of diagnosing cancer and provides histological proof of malignancy. It involves surgical incision to obtain a small piece of tissue. 


a. Needle- aspiration of cells.

b. Incisional- removal of a wedge of suspected tissue from a larger mass. 

c. Excisional- complete removal of the entire lesion.

d. Staging- multiple needle or incisional biopsies in tissues where metastasis is suspected. 
















  1. Thank you for sharing sissylabs... #titamhelconde ...nosebleed ako huhuhuhu

  2. Thank for sharing such an informative words. Keep us posted.

  3. Wala kaayo kagets ani mother earth but para dili ta mataptan always take care of our health..that's all..mwaahhh

  4. Diko man lahat naiintindihan pero masasabi ko talagang nakakatakot kapag napayaan natin ang ating kalusugan.hanggat maaga magpa konsulta nalang tayo sa doctor kung may pera ka din lang naman.. Ang masakit pano ang mga kapos sa financial diba kawawa lang tiis nalang bahala na ang Diyos saakin.

  5. Salamat mam spayra sa pag share ng iyong mga kaalaman about sa health

  6. sakit nyan ung pa biopsy na expirience ko hinigop ung liquid, awa ng DIOS hindi nmn cancerous

  7. thanks madam sa pag share niyo para ma aware tau kakatakot pla


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