What is Stroke? II B E F A S T

 Stroke can affect all ages. Learning more about the disease, first-aid management and its early signs is important in saving lives. Here are some fast facts to help protect you and your loved ones. 

Signs and symptoms to watch out for include:

Trouble speaking and understanding what others are saying: This includes confusion, slurring of speech.

  • Problems seeing in one or both eyes: This includes experiencing blurred or blackened vision in one or both eyes, or seeing double. 
  • Headache: A sudden and severe headache can be accompanied by vomiting, dizziness or altered consciousness. 
  • Trouble walking: This includes stumbling, losing balance, sudden dizziness, or loss of coordination. 
Seek immediate medical attention if you notice any of the mentioned signs or symptoms of a stroke, even if they come and go or disappear completely, and remember to BE FAST:

  • Balance: Ask the person to stand still or walk a straight line. Do they find it difficult?
  • Eyes: Askthe person about their vision. HAve they lost sight in one or both eyes?
  • Face: Ask the person to smile. Does one side of the face drop?
  • Arms: Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward? Or is one arm unable to rise?
  • Speech: Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase. Is his or her speech slurred?
  • Time: If you observe any of these signs, call 911 for emergency medical help immediately


  1. Good info. I’ll BeFast! Thanks for sharing such an important tip.

  2. Hala mahadlok mansad ta ani.Takecare of ourselves nalang jud "BEFAST".

  3. Thanks again sa pa nosebleed madam😂😂

  4. hala ate .. sauna kay mu black raba ang isa ka part sa akoang mata ..

  5. Thank you for sharing. myla Marie Silva here need this.

  6. salamat palage madam sa palage mong pagbibigay ng information sa amin hehehe


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